Chorale Members

Lompoc Valley Master Chorale.
Click on the picture for a larger view

Sopranos Altos Tenors Basses
Elnora Coleman
Lola Day
Stacey Gray
Debbie Johnson
Jane Kehret
Emily Bertsch
Polly Kirsch
Pamela Nelson
Carrie Petterson
Kay Rowland
Mary Saladino
Akiyo Shao
Helen Tye Talkin
Mary Beth Williams
Rebecca Wood
Anne Anderson
Anna Chait
Caitlin Brown
Julie Davies
Marlene Fleeger
Dorothy Hager
Clarice Hamilton
Cyndi Lange
Carrie Larson
Audrey Linsday
Lynn Maxwell
Leah Olsson
Cathy Pepe
Marilyn Romine
Kristin Stark
Donna Wood
Mike Casarez
Paul Diller
David Lemon
Carol Norrander
Harrison Young
Alan Benson
Gary Berleue
Lynn Clock
Dick Dixon
Tom Guittel
Ed Romine
Craig Scott
Chorale Members pictured above, December 2018

Sopranos Altos Tenors Basses
Lola Day
Carylon Flax
Jennifer Freye
Stacey Gray
Jane Kehret
Cristen McCann
Shirley Tse
Anne Anderson
Tina Aubin
Anna Chait
Sheryl France-Moran
Elizabeth Hack
Cyndi Lange
Carrie Larson
Lynn Maxwell
Marilyn Romine
Heather Roel
Kimm Schmidt
Mike Casarez
Paul Diller
Carol Norrander
Carolina Palacioz
Doug Bradly
Lynn Clock
Richard Eatmon
Thomas Hacker
David Ramsey
John Roulston
Ryan VanVels
Chorale Members in most recent performance

Rehearsals for the next concert started on 27 January, 2025. Weekly rehearsals are conducted on Mondays, between 7:00 and 8:30 PM, in the Sanctuary of the Lompoc First United Methodist Church, 925 N. F St.

We always welcome singers with previous choral experience to join our fine chorale. We invite you to attend our weekly rehearsals during the first two weeks for maximum exposure to the musical selections, so you can participate in our next performance. We have openings in all sections. Please arrive early on the first rehearsal to register and pay a membership fee.

Chorale membership consists of people from all walks of life in the Lompoc community. Rehearsals are conducted for approximately twelve weeks before each scheduled concert. Rehearsals usually begin on the last week of August for the winter season and on the second week of January for the spring season. Each member is given a packet of music, rehearsal schedules, and other essential information needed for the concert season. A membership fee of $60 per concert season is charged to support the Chorale's operating expenses. Requirements for membership may involve a voice placement audition to test some basic musical skills. We look forward to your participation.

If you know of any changes that should be made to the list above, or for any general questions, please contact the Webmaster at the following email address:

"Snowfire Park", by Aaron B. Faulkner